How do you green your travel experience?

Tourism is a huge part of our global culture, allowing us to explore different parts of the world, meet people from different walks of life, and experience new traditions and activities. However, the concept of sustainable travel allows us to enjoy exploring new places without causing great harm to our environment.

The concept of ethical travel:

The concept of ethical travel means that travelers consider and respect the environment, local culture, and local communities. Ethical travel is not only important for travelers but also benefits local people and the environment. This includes minimizing environmental and cultural impacts and supporting the local economy. It means avoiding activities that could harm the environment or local culture and supporting measures that help local communities and sustainable development.

A few tips for traveling sustainably!

If you have the option, take the train or bus instead of flying, as they have a smaller ecological footprint.


Sustainable local transport
If air transport is the only option due to distance, then choosing transport methods in your country that reduce environmental impacts and support the quality of life in that country is a good idea. When traveling, choose walking or cycling instead.Some sustainable cities are Skelleftea, San Francisco, Edinburgh, Sydney, Copenhagen.

Take what you really need with you!
It’s not sustainable to carry all your clothes with you, as the heavier the suitcase, the more fuel planes use. When packing, look for practicality; choose clothes that combine well and are easy to pair. 

Prefer environmentally friendly accommodations!
Look for accommodation that has a sustainability policy, uses solar energy, uses water-saving devices, or recycles waste.Some examples of eco-friendly accommodation search sites: 

  • Bookitgreen
  • BookBitgreen
  • Dear Traveller
  • Fairbnb
  • EcoHotels
  • Green Pearls

Take care of the environment!
Respect local rules, native animal habitats, and waterfront regulations. Always carry a bag suitable for trash; never leave litter behind! Instead of single-use plastic bottles and containers, carry a canteen and a textile bag to carry the products you buy, instead of a plastic alternative.

Bulk items vs. local products
Explore local culture and gastronomy, and support the local economy. Look for local markets where you can choose from a wide variety of artisanal products; unlike mass-produced goods, uniqueness is guaranteed. 

Take a few steps to support the development of sustainable tourism while enjoying the experience of traveling!

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